Digital Travel Offline Travel Advisor

moving your travel business to an online first world

Offline Vs Online Travel: Will there be a Winner?, first and foremost, caters to travel advisors and travel influencers who are looking to have a hybrid service model from an offline-only model. While most have realized the importance of moving the travel business online and having a meaningful online presence, many do not understand how to make the move with respect to their marketing methods. In this post, we are going to speak about some of the very easy, but often ignored transitions when building your digital presence.

When moving your travel business online and adapting marketing collateral for the online world, it is crucial to consider layout changes that cater to the unique requirements of digital platforms. Here are some key aspects to focus on when redesigning your layouts for websites and other online channels:

  1. Responsive design: Ensure your marketing collateral is designed to be responsive, automatically adjusting to different screen sizes and devices. This will ensure your content is easily accessible and visually appealing to users, whether they are browsing on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.Free templates | Canva
  2. Logo adaptation: Transition from vertical logos to horizontal logos, as horizontal logos are better suited for website headers and social media profile images. This may involve redesigning your logo or creating alternative versions to ensure brand consistency across various platforms.
  3. Reformatting flyers and brochures: Transform traditional vertical flyers and brochures into horizontal or square formats that better suit online platforms. These formats are more compatible with social media feeds, email marketing templates, and website sliders.
  4. Web-friendly typography: Choose web-friendly fonts that are easily readable across different devices and screen resolutions. Stick to a limited number of fonts and maintain a consistent hierarchy to ensure a clean and visually appealing design.
  5. Use of white space: Incorporate white space into your layouts to make your online marketing collateral easier to read and navigate. White space can also enhance the overall aesthetics of your content and guide users’ attention to the most important elements.
  6. Navigation and user experience: Prioritize user experience by creating clear and intuitive navigation throughout your online marketing collateral. This may involve adding interactive elements such as clickable buttons, drop-down menus, and anchor links that direct users to relevant sections or pages.
  7. Image optimization: Optimize images for the web by reducing file sizes and using appropriate formats (e.g., JPEG for photographs, PNG for graphics with transparent backgrounds). This will ensure faster loading times and improve the overall user experience.
  8. Visual hierarchy: Establish a clear visual hierarchy in your online marketing collateral to guide users’ attention and emphasize key messages. Use contrasting colors, varied font sizes, and bold headings to create a logical flow and effectively communicate your content.
  9. Grid systems and alignment: Utilize grid systems and alignment to create clean, organized layouts that are easy to follow. Grid systems can help maintain consistency across different pages and platforms, resulting in a more professional and polished appearance.
  10. Call-to-action (CTA) placement: Strategically place CTAs in your online marketing collateral to encourage user interaction and guide them towards desired actions (e.g., signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase). Ensure CTAs are visually prominent and use clear, concise language.

An easy way to get started with this is through Canva for your designing needs for marketing collateral and Pathfndr to have a pre-optimized digital workflow for your travel site.

Hope this helps you get a flavour of the tactical steps needed to move your travel business online. One should certainly not try to superimpose everything from the offline world into the online domain without sufficient thought and use of best practices.

For more information, those looking to move online can visit this page: